Guides | Description |
Selling Partner API Developer Guide | This guide is for developers who want to create applications for selling partners. That is, applications for sellers, vendors, or both. Sections in this guide that apply only to applications for sellers are marked, For seller applications only . Sections that apply only to applications for vendors are marked, For vendor applications only . All other sections apply to all selling partner applications. |
Amazon MWS to Selling Partner API Migration Guide | This document explains what the Selling Partner API is, how it differs from Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS), and shows you how to convert your Amazon MWS application to a hybrid Selling Partner API application. |
Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API | API reliability depends on sizing your capacity and resources to meet the changing needs of applications over time. This means attempting to understand and forecast usage, and then managing the frequency of requests to protect against overwhelming the service at peak usage times. .In the Selling Partner API, requests are rate limited using the [token bucket algorithm](https //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket). The algorithm is based on the analogy of a bucket that contains tokens, where each token can be exchanged to make a request. Tokens are automatically added to the bucket using a set rate-per-second until the maximum size of the bucket is reached. The maximum size is also called the burst rate. Each request subtracts a token from the bucket. Throttling occurs when a request is made for which no token is available because the bucket is empty. A throttled request results in an error response. |
Authorization Limits | |
Mapping APIs from Amazon MWS to the Selling Partner API | |
Protecting Amazon API Applications: Data Encryption | |
Roles in the Selling Partner API | |
Using Postman for Selling Partner API models |
Api | Description | Mehod |
Authorization API reference | The Selling Partner API for Authorization helps developers manage authorizations and check the specific permissions associated with a given authorization. | getAuthorizationCode |
Catalog Items API v0 reference | The Selling Partner API for Catalog Items helps you programmatically retrieve item details for items in the catalog. | listCatalogItems getCatalogItem listCatalogCategories |
Catalog Items API v2020-12-01 reference | The Selling Partner API for Catalog Items provides programmatic access to information about items in the Amazon catalog. | searchCatalogItems getCatalogItem |
Catalog Items API v2022-04-01 reference | The Selling Partner API for Catalog Items provides programmatic access to information about items in the Amazon catalog. | searchCatalogItems getCatalogItem |
Easy Ship API v2022-03-23 reference | The Selling Partner API for Easy Ship helps you build applications that help sellers manage and ship Amazon Easy Ship orders. Your Easy Ship applications can Get available time slots for packages to be scheduled for delivery. Schedule, reschedule, and cancel Easy Ship orders. Print labels, invoices, and warranties. See the [Marketplace Support Table](doc easy-ship-api-v2022-03-23-use-case-guide) for the differences in Easy Ship operations by marketplace. | listHandoverSlots getScheduledPackage createScheduledPackage updateScheduledPackages |
FBA Inbound Eligibility API v1 reference | With the FBA Inbound Eligibility API, you can build applications that let sellers get eligibility previews for items before shipping them to Amazon's fulfillment centers. With this API you can find out if an item is eligible for inbound shipment to Amazon's fulfillment centers in a specific marketplace. You can also find out if an item is eligible for using the manufacturer barcode for FBA inventory tracking. Sellers can use this information to inform their decisions about which items to ship Amazon's fulfillment centers. | getItemEligibilityPreview |
FBA Inventory API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for FBA Inventory lets you programmatically retrieve information about inventory in Amazon's fulfillment network. | getInventorySummaries |
FBA Small and Light API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for FBA Small and Light lets you help sellers manage their listings in the Small and Light program. The program reduces the cost of fulfilling orders for small and lightweight FBA inventory. You can enroll or remove items from the program and check item eligibility and enrollment status. You can also preview the estimated program fees charged to a seller for items sold while enrolled in the program. | getSmallAndLightEnrollmentBySellerSKU putSmallAndLightEnrollmentBySellerSKU deleteSmallAndLightEnrollmentBySellerSKU getSmallAndLightEligibilityBySellerSKU getSmallAndLightFeePreview |
Feed Type Values | Feed Type Values The available Feed Types for the Selling Partner Feeds API. | |
Feeds API v2020-09-04 reference | The Selling Partner API for Feeds lets you upload data to Amazon on behalf of a selling partner. | getFeeds createFeed getFeed cancelFeed createFeedDocument getFeedDocument |
Feeds API v2021-06-30 reference | The Selling Partner API for Feeds lets you upload data to Amazon on behalf of a selling partner. | getFeeds createFeed getFeed cancelFeed createFeedDocument getFeedDocument |
Finances API reference | The Selling Partner API for Finances helps you obtain financial information relevant to a seller's business. You can obtain financial events for a given order, financial event group, or date range without having to wait until a statement period closes. You can also obtain financial event groups for a given date range. | listFinancialEventGroups listFinancialEventsByGroupId listFinancialEventsByOrderId listFinancialEvents |
Fulfillment Inbound API v0 reference | The Selling Partner API for Fulfillment Inbound lets you create applications that create and update inbound shipments of inventory to Amazon's fulfillment network. | getInboundGuidance createInboundShipmentPlan updateInboundShipment createInboundShipment getPreorderInfo confirmPreorder getPrepInstructions getTransportDetails putTransportDetails voidTransport estimateTransport confirmTransport getLabels getBillOfLading getShipments getShipmentItemsByShipmentId getShipmentItems |
Fulfillment Outbound API v2020-07-01 reference | The Selling Partner API for Fulfillment Outbound lets you create applications that help a seller fulfill Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders using their inventory in Amazon's fulfillment network. You can get information on both potential and existing fulfillment orders. | getFulfillmentPreview listAllFulfillmentOrders createFulfillmentOrder getPackageTrackingDetails listReturnReasonCodes createFulfillmentReturn getFulfillmentOrder updateFulfillmentOrder cancelFulfillmentOrder getFeatures getFeatureInventory getFeatureSKU |
Listings Feed Message Schema V2 | Listings Feed Message Schema V2 The Listings Feed Message JSON schema for the Selling Partner Feeds API. | |
Listings Feed Processing Report Schema V2 example | Listings Feed Processing Report Schema V2 example An example of the Listings Feed Processing Report JSON schema for the Selling Partner Feeds API. | |
Listings Feed Processing Report Schema V2 | Listings Feed Processing Report Schema V2 The Listings Feed Processing Report JSON schema for the Selling Partner Feeds API. | |
Listings Feed Schema V2 example | Listings Feed Schema V2 example An example of the Listings Feed JSON schema for the Selling Partner Feeds API. | |
Listings Feed Schema v2 | Listings Feed Schema v2 The Listings Feed JSON schema for the Selling Partner Feeds API. | |
Listings Items API v2020-09-01 reference | The Selling Partner API for Listings Items (Listings Items API) provides programmatic access to selling partner listings on Amazon. Use this API in collaboration with the Selling Partner API for Product Type Definitions, which you use to retrieve the information about Amazon product types needed to use the Listings Items API. | putListingsItem deleteListingsItem patchListingsItem |
Listings Items API v2021-08-01 reference | The Selling Partner API for Listings Items (Listings Items API) provides programmatic access to selling partner listings on Amazon. Use this API in collaboration with the Selling Partner API for Product Type Definitions, which you use to retrieve the information about Amazon product types needed to use the Listings Items API. | getListingsItem putListingsItem deleteListingsItem patchListingsItem |
Listings Restrictions API v2021-08-01 reference | The Selling Partner API for Listings Restrictions provides programmatic access to restrictions on Amazon catalog listings. | getListingsRestrictions |
Merchant Fulfillment API v0 reference | The Selling Partner API for Merchant Fulfillment helps you build applications that let sellers purchase shipping for non-Prime and Prime orders using Amazon’s Buy Shipping Services. | getEligibleShipmentServicesOld getEligibleShipmentServices getShipment cancelShipment cancelShipmentOld createShipment getAdditionalSellerInputsOld getAdditionalSellerInputs |
Messaging API v1 reference | With the Messaging API you can build applications that send messages to buyers. You can get a list of message types that are available for an order that you specify, then call an operation that sends a message to the buyer for that order. The Messaging API returns responses that are formed according to the <a href=https //tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kelly-json-hal-08>JSON Hypertext Application Language (HAL) standard. | getMessagingActionsForOrder confirmCustomizationDetails createConfirmDeliveryDetails createLegalDisclosure createNegativeFeedbackRemoval createConfirmOrderDetails createConfirmServiceDetails CreateAmazonMotors CreateWarranty GetAttributes createDigitalAccessKey createUnexpectedProblem sendInvoice |
Notifications API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for Notifications lets you subscribe to notifications that are relevant to a selling partner's business. Using this API you can create a destination to receive notifications, subscribe to notifications, delete notification subscriptions, and more. | getSubscription createSubscription getSubscriptionById deleteSubscriptionById getDestinations createDestination getDestination deleteDestination |
Orders API v0 reference | The Selling Partner API for Orders helps you programmatically retrieve order information. These APIs let you develop fast, flexible, custom applications in areas like order synchronization, order research, and demand-based decision support tools. | getOrders getOrder getOrderBuyerInfo getOrderAddress getOrderItems getOrderItemsBuyerInfo updateShipmentStatus getOrderRegulatedInfo updateVerificationStatus |
Product Fees API v0 reference | The Selling Partner API for Product Fees lets you programmatically retrieve estimated fees for a product. You can then account for those fees in your pricing. | getMyFeesEstimateForSKU getMyFeesEstimateForASIN getMyFeesEstimates |
Product Pricing API v0 reference | The Selling Partner API for Pricing helps you programmatically retrieve product pricing and offer information for Amazon Marketplace products. | getPricing getCompetitivePricing getListingOffers getItemOffers getItemOffersBatch getListingOffersBatch |
Product Type Definitions API FAQs | Product Type Definitions API FAQs Frequently Asked Questions about the Product Type Definitions API. | |
Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema (v1) | Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema (v1) The Meta-Schema that describes the properties and requirements for an Amazon Product Type. | |
Product Type Definitions API v2020-09-01 reference | The Selling Partner API for Product Type Definitions provides programmatic access to attribute and data requirements for product types in the Amazon catalog. Use this API to return the JSON Schema for a product type that you can then use with other Selling Partner APIs, such as the Selling Partner API for Listings Items, the Selling Partner API for Catalog Items, and the Selling Partner API for Feeds (for JSON-based listing feeds). | searchDefinitionsProductTypes getDefinitionsProductType |
Report Type Values | Report Type Values Report Type values are how to specify the type of report you want to request via the Reports API. | |
Reports API v2020-09-04 reference | The Selling Partner API for Reports lets you retrieve and manage a variety of reports that can help selling partners manage their businesses. | getReports createReport getReport cancelReport getReportSchedules createReportSchedule getReportSchedule cancelReportSchedule getReportDocument |
Reports API v2021-06-30 reference | The Selling Partner API for Reports lets you retrieve and manage a variety of reports that can help selling partners manage their businesses. | getReports createReport getReport cancelReport getReportSchedules createReportSchedule getReportSchedule cancelReportSchedule getReportDocument |
Sales API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for Sales provides APIs related to sales performance. | getOrderMetrics |
Sellers API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for Sellers lets you retrieve information on behalf of sellers about their seller account, such as the marketplaces they participate in. Along with listing the marketplaces that a seller can sell in, the API also provides additional information about the marketplace such as the default language and the default currency. The API also provides seller-specific information such as whether the seller has suspended listings in that marketplace. | getMarketplaceParticipations |
Services API v1 reference | With the Services API, you can build applications that help service providers get and modify their service orders. | getServiceJobByServiceJobId cancelServiceJobByServiceJobId completeServiceJobByServiceJobId getServiceJobs addAppointmentForServiceJobByServiceJobId rescheduleAppointmentForServiceJobByServiceJobId assignAppointmentResources setAppointmentFulfillmentData updateSchedule createReservation updateReservation cancelReservation createServiceDocumentUploadDestination |
Shipment Invoicing API v0 reference | The Selling Partner API for Shipment Invoicing helps you programmatically retrieve shipment invoice information in the Brazil marketplace for a selling partner’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) orders. | getShipmentDetails submitInvoice getInvoiceStatus |
Shipping API v1 reference | Provides programmatic access to Amazon Shipping APIs. | createShipment getShipment cancelShipment purchaseLabels retrieveShippingLabel purchaseShipment getRates getAccount getTrackingInformation |
Solicitations API v1 reference | With the Solicitations API you can build applications that send non-critical solicitations to buyers. You can get a list of solicitation types that are available for an order that you specify, then call an operation that sends a solicitation to the buyer for that order. Buyers cannot respond to solicitations sent by this API, and these solicitations do not appear in the Messaging section of Seller Central or in the recipient's Message Center. The Solicitations API returns responses that are formed according to the <a href=https //tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kelly-json-hal-08>JSON Hypertext Application Language (HAL) standard. | getSolicitationActionsForOrder createProductReviewAndSellerFeedbackSolicitation |
Tokens API v2021-03-01 reference | The Selling Partner API for Tokens provides a secure way to access a customer's PII (Personally Identifiable Information). You can call the Tokens API to get a Restricted Data Token (RDT) for one or more restricted resources that you specify. The RDT authorizes subsequent calls to restricted operations that correspond to the restricted resources that you specified. | createRestrictedDataToken |
Uploads API reference | The Uploads API lets you upload files that you can programmatically access using other Selling Partner APIs, such as the A+ Content API and the Messaging API. | createUploadDestinationForResource |
Vendor Direct Fulfillment Inventory API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for Direct Fulfillment Inventory Updates provides programmatic access to a direct fulfillment vendor's inventory updates. | submitInventoryUpdate |
Vendor Direct Fulfillment Orders API v2021-12-28 reference | The Selling Partner API for Direct Fulfillment Orders provides programmatic access to a direct fulfillment vendor's order data. | getOrders getOrder submitAcknowledgement |
Vendor Direct Fulfillment Orders API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for Direct Fulfillment Orders provides programmatic access to a direct fulfillment vendor's order data. | getOrders getOrder submitAcknowledgement |
Vendor Direct Fulfillment Payments API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for Direct Fulfillment Payments provides programmatic access to a direct fulfillment vendor's invoice data. | submitInvoice |
Vendor Direct Fulfillment Sandbox Test Data API v2021-10-28 reference | The Selling Partner API for Vendor Direct Fulfillment Sandbox Test Data provides programmatic access to vendor direct fulfillment sandbox test data. | generateOrderScenarios getOrderScenarios |
Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API v2021-12-28 reference | The Selling Partner API for Direct Fulfillment Shipping provides programmatic access to a direct fulfillment vendor's shipping data. | getShippingLabels submitShippingLabelRequest getShippingLabel |
Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for Direct Fulfillment Shipping provides programmatic access to a direct fulfillment vendor's shipping data. | getShippingLabels submitShippingLabelRequest getShippingLabel submitShipmentConfirmations submitShipmentStatusUpdates getCustomerInvoices getCustomerInvoice getPackingSlips getPackingSlip |
Vendor Direct Fulfillment Transactions API v2021-12-28 reference | The Selling Partner API for Direct Fulfillment Transaction Status provides programmatic access to a direct fulfillment vendor's transaction status. | getTransactionStatus |
Vendor Direct Fulfillment Transactions API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for Direct Fulfillment Transaction Status provides programmatic access to a direct fulfillment vendor's transaction status. | getTransactionStatus |
Vendor Invoices API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for Retail Procurement Payments provides programmatic access to vendors payments data. | submitInvoices |
Vendor Orders API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for Retail Procurement Orders provides programmatic access to vendor orders data. | getPurchaseOrders getPurchaseOrder submitAcknowledgement getPurchaseOrdersStatus |
Vendor Shipments API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for Retail Procurement Shipments provides programmatic access to retail shipping data for vendors. | SubmitShipmentConfirmations |
Vendor Transaction Status API v1 reference | The Selling Partner API for Retail Procurement Transaction Status provides programmatic access to status information on specific asynchronous POST transactions for vendors. | getTransaction |
OTHER | Description |
A+ Content Document Examples | A+ Content Document Examples,Examples that can help you create A+ content pages.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
About this guide | About this guide,This topic describes the audience for the SP-API Developer Guide.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
About Vendor Groups | About Vendor Groups,Information about Vendor Groups and how to use them.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Additional migration resources | Additional migration resources,SP-API migration resources.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Amazon Fulfillment role | Amazon Fulfillment role,The API operations and types permitted by the Amazon Fulfillment role.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Amazon MWS to SP-API Migration Guide | Amazon MWS to SP-API Migration Guide,How to migrate an app from Amazon MWS to SP-API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Amazon SCPN authorization workflow | Amazon SCPN authorization workflow,How to authorize an app using the Amazon Seller Central Partner Network.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
aplusContent 2020-11-01.json model | aplusContent 2020-11-01.json model,Swagger model for A+ Content API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Authorization with the Restricted Data Token | Authorization with the Restricted Data Token,How to authorize using the Restricted Data Token.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Authorizing Selling Partner API applications | Authorizing Selling Partner API applications,How to authorize SP-API apps.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Brand Analytics role | Brand Analytics role,The API operations and types permitted by the Brand Analytics role.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Buyer Communication role | Buyer Communication role,The API operations and types permitted by the Buyer Communication role.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Buyer Solicitation role | Buyer Solicitation role,The API operations and types permitted by the Buyer Solicitation role.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Checking the status of your request to register as a developer | Checking the status of your request to register as a developer,How to check the status of your developer registration request.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Connecting to the Selling Partner API using a generated Java SDK | Connecting to the Selling Partner API using a generated Java SDK,How to connect to the SP-API using a generated Java SDK.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Connecting to the Selling Partner API | Connecting to the Selling Partner API,How to connect to the SP-API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Determine app type | Determine app type,This topic defines the different application types that can be created with SP-API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Direct to Consumer Shipping (Restricted) role | Direct to Consumer Shipping (Restricted) role,The API operations and types permitted by the Direct to Consumer Shipping (Restricted) role.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Feeds JSON Schemas | Feeds JSON Schemas,The available JSON schemas for the Selling Partner Feeds API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Feeds API Best Practices | Feeds API Best Practices,General Best Practices for the Selling Partner Feeds API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Finance and Accounting role | Finance and Accounting role,The API operations and types permitted by the Finance and Accounting role.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Generating a Java client library | Generating a Java client library,How to generate a Java client library.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Generating a Java SDK with LWA token exchange and authentication | Generating a Java SDK with LWA token exchange and authentication,How to generate a Java SDK with an LWS token exchange and authentication.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Grantless operations | Grantless operations,This topic includes a definition of grantless operations and identifies the grantless operations within SP-API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
How does the Selling Partner API differ from the Amazon Marketplace Web Service | How does the Selling Partner API differ from the Amazon Marketplace Web Service,This topic compares and contrasts Amazon MWS and Selling Partner API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Hybrid Selling Partner API applications | Hybrid Selling Partner API applications,How to create hybrid apps in SP-API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Include a User-Agent header in all requests | Include a User-Agent header in all requests,How to include a user-agent header in all requests.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Inventory and Order Tracking role | Inventory and Order Tracking role,The API operations and types permitted by the Inventory and Order Tracking role.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Marketplace IDs | Marketplace IDs,This topic lists the marketplace identifiers used in SP-API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Pricing role | Pricing role,The API operations and types permitted by the Pricing role.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Product Listing role | Product Listing role,The API operations and types permitted by the Product Listing role.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
C# example of meta-schema v1 | C# example of meta-schema v1,A C# example for validating payloads with instances of the Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Java example of meta-schema v1 | Java example of meta-schema v1,A Java example for validating payloads with instances of the Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Javascript example of meta-schema v1 | Javascript example of meta-schema v1,A Javascript example for validating payloads with instances of the Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Registering as a developer | Registering as a developer,This topic describes how to register as a developer for SP-API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Registering your Application | Registering your Application,How to register your application for use.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Regulated orders | Regulated orders,How to work with regulated orders using the Orders API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Reports API Best Practices | Reports API Best Practices,,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Response format | Response format,How SP-API returns response headers and messages.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Self authorization | Self authorization,How to self-authorize an SP-API app.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Seller Central URLs | Seller Central URLs,Seller Central URLs by marketplace.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
A+ Content Management API reference | A+ Content Management API reference,Add rich marketing content to Amazon product detail pages.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Selling Partner API sandbox | Selling Partner API sandbox,How to use the SP-API sandbox to make test calls.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Selling Partner Insights role | Selling Partner Insights role,The API operations and types permitted by the Selling Partner Insights role.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
SP-API Endpoints | SP-API Endpoints,This topic includes a list of the endpoints for SP-API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Tax Invoicing (Restricted) role | Tax Invoicing (Restricted) role,The API operations and types permitted by the Tax Invoicing (Restricted) role.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Tax Remittance (Restricted) role | Tax Remittance (Restricted) role,The API operations and types permitted by the Tax Remittance (Restricted) role.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Terminology | Terminology,A list of SP-API terms and their definitions.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the SP-API | Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the SP-API,Information about usage plans and how rate limits are used in SP-API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Vendor Central URLs | Vendor Central URLs,Vendor Central URLs by marketplace.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Vendor Direct Fulfillment Dynamic Sandbox Guide | Vendor Direct Fulfillment Dynamic Sandbox Guide,How to use the Selling Partner API dynamic sandbox to test vendor direct fulfillment operations.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Vendor Retail Analytics Reports Migration Guide | Vendor Retail Analytics Reports Migration Guide,How to migrate your vendor retail analytics reports.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Viewing your application information and credentials | Viewing your application information and credentials,How to view your app info and credentials.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
Website authorization workflow | Website authorization workflow,How to authorize an app using a website.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |
What is the Selling Partner API | What is the Selling Partner API,This topic describes the REST-based Selling Partner API.,Amazon,spapi,php,java,Amazon Selling Partner API,API Use,Other |