About Vendor Groups


For vendor applications only

When you authorize your Selling Partner API application to access your data, you are granting access to the vendor group that is associated with the sign-in credentials for your Vendor Central account. By extension, you are granting access to all of the vendor codes present in the vendor group. Therefore it's important to use the right Vendor Central credentials and vendor group for your Selling Partner API integration.

# Using a single vendor group

If you use a single vendor group to manage all of your vendor codes, you can authorize an application to access the data in that vendor group. To do this, register as a developer using the credentials for the Vendor Central account associated with the vendor group.

To be sure that your vendor group contains all of the vendor codes that you want your application to access, check the vendor codes in your vendor group. If you need to, you can add or remove vendor codes from your vendor group at any time.

To check the vendor codes in your vendor group

  1. Go to Vendor Central for your marketplace. See Vendor Central URLs for a list of URLs by marketplace.

  2. Sign in using the credentials for the Vendor Central account with the vendor group that you want your application to access.

  3. On the Settings menu, click Contacts.

  4. Review the Contacts page to determine if the vendor codes that you want your application to access are present.

To add or remove vendor codes from your vendor group

  1. Go to Vendor Central for your marketplace. See Vendor Central URLs for a list of URLs by marketplace.

  2. Sign in using the credentials for the Vendor Central account with the vendor group for which you want to add or remove vendor codes.

  3. Click the Support link at the top of the page.

  4. On the Support page, click Contact Us.

  5. On the Contact Amazon support page, click Settings and Account Management, then choose Account Settings.

  6. In the Settings and Account Management box, at the bottom, click Still need help?.

  7. Follow the instructions to contact Amazon support.

# Using multiple vendor groups

Perhaps you use multiple vendor groups to manage your vendor codes. If so, for Selling Partner API integrations we recommend that you either 1) Create a new vendor group containing all of the vendor codes you need, or 2) Choose an existing vendor group and add the vendor codes that you need. You can add or remove vendor codes in a vendor group at any time. However once you have registered as a developer, you cannot change the vendor group associated with that developer. If you want to maintain separate API integrations for different businesses, you can. To do this, register as a developer separately for each vendor group that you want to access. Then you can develop separate API integrations with each registered developer.

To create a new vendor group

  1. Go to Vendor Central for your marketplace. See Vendor Central URLs for a list of URLs by marketplace.

  2. Sign in using the credentials for the Vendor Central account with the vendor group that you want your application to access.

  3. Click the Support link at the top of the page.

  4. On the Support page, click Contact Us.

  5. On the Contact Amazon support page, click Settings and Account Management, then choose Account Settings.

  6. In the Settings and Account Management box, at the bottom, click Still need help?.

  7. Follow the instructions to contact Amazon support.