Report Type Values


# Operations type of report that you want to request using the Reports API.

In the report descriptions, "Seller Central" refers to sellers who have registered to sell on Amazon in the past few years; "Marketplace" refers to legacy sellers who registered to sell on Amazon prior to the last few years. All reports are available to both Marketplace and Seller Central sellers unless otherwise noted.

For more information about registering in Amazon’s Brand Registry, see Build and protect your brand (opens new window).

Report types fall into these categories:

# Brand Analytics reports

Name Description

Market Basket Analysis Report

reportType value:

Available to sellers and vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role and who are registered in Amazon's Brand Registry.

JSON report containing data on the items that are most commonly purchased in combination with the items in the customer's basket (cart) at checkout. The data is available across different reporting periods: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER. Requests can span multiple reporting periods. In this report, an asin property is an ASIN in the selling partner's catalog and a purchasedWithAsin property might or might not be an ASIN in the selling partner's catalog.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod. Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER
    "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod in the reportsOptions. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK .

Can be requested.

Amazon Search Terms Report

reportType value:

Available to sellers and vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role and who are registered in Amazon's Brand Registry.

JSON report containing data on the top clicked ASINs by search keyword and department for a marketplace. The data is available across different reporting periods: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER. Requests cannot span multiple reporting periods. For example, a request with reportPeriod=WEEK could not start on 2021-06-06 and end on 2021-06-19, as this would span more than one week.

This report is limited in size to approximately 12 million items, which are lists of top ASINs categorized by search term and department. This limit may cause this report to differ from other reporting, such as Amazon Retail Analytics.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod. Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER
    "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod in the reportsOptions. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be the following Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK.

Can be requested.

Repeat Purchase

reportType value:

Available to sellers and vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role and who are registered in Amazon's Brand Registry.

JSON report containing data on the quantity of repeated purchases of the selling partner's items. The data is available across different reporting periods: WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER. Requests can span multiple reporting periods. In this report, an asin property is an ASIN in the selling partner's catalog.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod. Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER
    "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod in the reportsOptions. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be the following Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK.

Can be requested.

Alternate Purchase

reportType value:

This report will be deprecated on June 30, 2022.

Available to sellers and vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role and who are registered in Amazon's Brand Registry.

JSON report containing data on the items most commonly purchased by a customer after they view but do not purchase the selling partner's item. The data is available across different reporting periods: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER. Requests can span multiple reporting periods. In this report, an asin property is an ASIN in the selling partner's catalog and purchasedAsin might or might not be an ASIN in the selling partner's catalog.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod. Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER
    "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod in the reportsOptions. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be the following Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK.

Can be requested.

Item Comparison Report

reportType value:

This report will be deprecated on June 30, 2022.

Available to sellers and vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role and who are registered in Amazon's Brand Registry.

JSON report containing data on the items that a customer most commonly views after viewing the selling partner's items. The data is available across different reporting periods: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER. Requests can span multiple reporting periods. In this report, an asin property is an ASIN in the selling partner's catalog and comparedAsin might or might not be an ASIN in the selling partner's catalog.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod. Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER
    "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod in the reportsOptions. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be the following Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK.

Can be requested.

# Vendor retail analytics reports

Name Description

Vendor Sales Report

reportType value:

Available to vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role.

JSON report with key retail sales metrics such as ordered/shipped revenue and units. Data is reported at the aggregate level across a vendor's catalog of items and at the ASIN level across DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR reporting periods.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • reportPeriod. Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER and YEAR.
    "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}
  • distributorView. Specifies the distributor view requested. Values include MANUFACTURING and SOURCING.
    "reportOptions":{"distributorView": "SOURCING"}
  • sellingProgram. Specifies the selling program for the report. Values include RETAIL.
    "reportOptions":{"sellingProgram": "RETAIL"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod, distributorView, and sellingProgram properties. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK .

Maximum lookback windows

Here are the maximum lookback windows (from the current date) that are available for each reportPeriod type. Specify a dataStartTime parameter that falls within the maximum lookback window for the reporting period that you want:

  • DAY. 1,460 days
  • WEEK. 8 weeks
  • MONTH. 36 months
  • QUARTER. 8 quarters
  • YEAR. 3 years

Maximum reporting periods

Here are the maximum reporting periods that you can specify using the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters, by reportPeriod type:

  • DAY. 15 days
  • WEEK. 7 weeks
  • MONTH. 15 months
  • QUARTER. 4 quarters
  • YEAR. 2 years

Data availability

Sales data for a given day is available 168 hours after that day. For example, data from 2021-12-03 will be available for this report no later than 2021-12-11T00:00:00. If you request a report for a reporting period that is not yet available, the report will not be generated and processingStatus for the report will be FATAL. You can get the processing status of the report by polling the getReport operation of the Reports API. For more information, see the Reports API Use Case Guide.

Can be requested.

Net Pure Product Margin Report

reportType value:

Available to vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role and who are registered in Amazon's Brand Registry.

JSON report containing data on Amazon's net pure product margins for selling a vendor's items. Data is reported at the aggregate level across a vendor's catalog of items and at the ASIN level across DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR reporting periods.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod. Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER and YEAR
    "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod property. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK .

Maximum lookback windows

Here are the maximum lookback windows (from the current date) that are available for each reportPeriod type. Specify a dataStartTime parameter that falls within the maximum lookback window for the reporting period that you want:

  • DAY. 1,460 days
  • WEEK. 8 weeks
  • MONTH. 36 months
  • QUARTER. 8 quarters
  • YEAR. 3 years

Maximum reporting periods

Here are the maximum reporting periods that you can specify using the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters, by reportPeriod type:

  • DAY. 15 days
  • WEEK. 7 weeks
  • MONTH. 15 months
  • QUARTER. 4 quarters
  • YEAR. 2 years

Data availability

Vendor sales data for a given day is available 168 hours after that day. For example, data from 2021-12-03 will be available for this report no later than 2021-12-11T00:00:00. If you request a report for a reporting period that is not yet available, the report will not be generated and processingStatus for the report will be FATAL. You can get the processing status of the report by polling the getReport operation of the Reports API. For more information, see the Reports API Use Case Guide.

Can be requested.

Vendor Traffic Report

reportType value:

Available to vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role.

JSON report with key retail traffic metrics such as detail page views. Data is reported at the aggregate level across a vendor's catalog of items and at the ASIN level across DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR reporting periods.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod. Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER and YEAR.
    "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod property. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK .

Maximum lookback windows

Here are the maximum lookback windows (from the current date) that are available for each reportPeriod type. Specify a dataStartTime parameter that falls within the maximum lookback window for the reporting period that you want:

  • DAY. 1,460 days
  • WEEK. 8 weeks
  • MONTH. 36 months
  • QUARTER. 8 quarters
  • YEAR. 3 years

Maximum reporting periods

Here are the maximum reporting periods that you can specify using the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters, by reportPeriod type:

  • DAY. 15 days
  • WEEK. 7 weeks
  • MONTH. 15 months
  • QUARTER. 4 quarters
  • YEAR. 2 years

Data availability

Vendor traffic data for a given day is available 168 hours after that day. For example, data from 2021-12-03 will be available for this report no later than 2021-12-11T00:00:00. If you request a report for a reporting period that is not yet available, the report will not be generated and processingStatus for the report will be FATAL. You can get the processing status of the report by polling the getReport operation of the Reports API. For more information, see the Reports API Use Case Guide.

Can be requested.

Vendor Forecasting Report

reportType value:

Available to vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role.

JSON report with forward looking mean, P70, P80, and P90 weekly customer demand forecasts. Data is reported at the ASIN level for the most recent weekly forecast generation date.

Note: Only the most recent forecast data is available. Historical forecast data cannot be requested.

Note: The forecasting system produces forecasts for an ASIN at various P-levels, also known as confidence levels. If you are setting a forecasting P-level of .80 ("P80"), it means that there is an 80% probability customer demand will not exceed the weekly forecasted units.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • sellingProgram. Specifies the selling program for the report. Values include RETAIL.
    "reportOptions":{"sellingProgram": "RETAIL"}

Can be requested.

Vendor Inventory Report

reportType value:

Available to vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role.

JSON report with inventory and operational health metrics such as sellable on hand units and vendor confirmation rate. Data is reported at the aggregate level across a vendor's catalog of items and at the ASIN level across WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR reporting periods.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • reportPeriod. Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR
    "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}
  • distributorView. Specifies the distributor view requested. Values include MANUFACTURING and SOURCING.
    "reportOptions":{"distributorView": "SOURCING"}

  • sellingProgram. Specifies the selling program for the report. Values include RETAIL.
    "reportOptions":{"sellingProgram": "RETAIL"}

Requests must include reportPeriod, distributorView, and sellingProgram in reportsOptions. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK.

Can be requested.

# Seller retail analytics reports

Name Description

Sales and Traffic Business Report


Available to sellers who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role.

JSON report with key sales performance metrics such as ordered product sales, revenue, units ordered, and claim amount, as well as page traffic metrics such as page views and buy box percentage of the seller’s entire catalog of items aggregated by date and ASIN.

Note: The dataStartTime value provided when requesting this report must not be more than two years before the date of the request. Failing this condition will result in the request being cancelled.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • dateGranularity - Data is available at different date range aggregation levels: DAY, WEEK, MONTH. Default: DAY.
  • asinGranularity - Data is available at different ASIN aggregation levels: PARENT, CHILD, SKU. Default: PARENT.

"reportOptions":{"dateGranularity":"MONTH", "asinGranularity":"CHILD"}

When dateGranularity is WEEK or MONTH the dataStartTime and dataEndTime values are expanded to that level of granularity. For WEEK the beginning is Sunday and the end is Saturday, and for MONTH the beginning is the first day of the month and the end is the last day of the month.

For example, if the dateGranularity value is WEEK and the provided dataStartTime value is on a Tuesday, that dataStartTime value will automatically be changed to the Sunday before that Tuesday. Likewise, if a dataStartTime value of 3/16/2021 and a dataEndTime of 4/16/2021 are provided with a dateGranularity of MONTH, the dataStartTime will become 3/1/2021 and the dataEndTime will become 4/30/2021.

If the expanded dataStartTime value is more than two years before the date of the request, then it will be corrected to be within two years of the request date provided the original dataStartTime is with two years of the request date. If the expanded dataEndTime value is in the future, then the report will contain partial data for the most recent report period.

Can be requested or scheduled.

# Inventory reports

Name Description

Inventory Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file open listings report that contains a summary of the seller's product listings with the price and quantity for each SKU.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • Custom - A Boolean value that indicates whether a custom report is returned. Default: false.

Can be requested.

All Listings Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file detailed all listings report.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • Custom - A Boolean value that indicates whether a custom report is returned. Default: false.

Can be requested.

Active Listings Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file detailed active listings report.

Can be requested.

Inactive Listings Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file detailed inactive listings report.

Can be requested.

Open Listings Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file open listings report.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • Custom - A Boolean value that indicates whether a custom report is returned. Default: false.

Can be requested.

Open Listings Report Lite

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file active listings report that contains only the SKU, ASIN, Price, and Quantity fields for items that have a quantity greater than zero.

Can be requested.

Open Listings Report Liter

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file active listings report that contains only the SKU and Quantity fields for items that have a quantity greater than zero.

Can be requested.

Canceled Listings Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file canceled listings report.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • Custom - A Boolean value that indicates whether a custom report is returned. Default: false.

Can be requested.

Suppressed Listings Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file that contains suppressed listings, the reason each listing is suppressed, and instructions for removing each suppression.

Can be requested or scheduled.

Pan-European Eligibility: FBA ASINs

reportType value:

This report is only available to FBA sellers in the Spain, UK, France, Germany, and Italy marketplaces.

Tab-delimited flat file report that contains enrollment status and eligibility information for the Pan-European FBA program for each of the seller's Amazon-fulfilled listings. For more information, see the Seller Central Help.

Can be requested.

Pan-European Eligibility: Self-fulfilled ASINs

reportType value:

This report is only available in the Spain, UK, France, Germany, and Italy marketplaces.

Tab-delimited flat file report that contains eligibility information for the Pan-European FBA Program for each of the seller's self-fulfilled listings. Self-fulfilled listings are not allowed in the Pan-European FBA program, and this report can help sellers determine whether to convert any of their self-fulfilled listings to Amazon-fulfilled listings in order to enroll them in the program. For more information, see the Seller Central Help.

Can be requested.

Referral Fee Preview Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file that contains the seller's open listings as well as the price and estimated referral fees for each SKU.

Note: The information in this report may be up to 24 hours old. Please do not request a report more than once per 24 hour period.

Can be requested.

# Order reports

The date range that you specify when requesting an order report indicates when the orders became eligible for fulfillment (no longer in a "pending" state), not when the orders were created.

Name Description

Unshipped Orders Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file report that contains only orders that are not confirmed as shipped.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • ShowSalesChannel - A Boolean value that indicates whether an additional column is added to the report that shows the sales channel. Default: false.

Can be requested or scheduled.

Scheduled XML Order Report (Invoicing)

reportType value:

For Seller Central sellers only.

Scheduled XML order report. This report can be used to generate tax invoices in the EU region.

You can only schedule one GET_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_INVOICING or GET_FLAT_FILE_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_INVOICING report at a time. If you have one of these reports scheduled and you schedule a new report, the existing report will be canceled.

Can be scheduled.

Scheduled XML Order Report (Tax)

reportType value:

For Seller Central sellers only.

Scheduled XML order report. This report is for calculating and remitting taxes in the NA region.

You can only schedule one GET_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_TAX or GET_FLAT_FILE_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_TAX report at a time. If you have one of these reports scheduled and you schedule a new report, the existing report will be canceled.

Can be scheduled.

Scheduled XML Order Report (Shipping)

reportType value:

For Seller Central sellers only.

Scheduled XML order report. This report is for shipping seller fulfilled orders to customers.

You can only schedule one GET_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_SHIPPING or GET_FLAT_FILE_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_SHIPPING report at a time. If you have one of these reports scheduled and you schedule a new report, the existing report will be canceled.

Can be scheduled.

Requested or Scheduled Flat File Order Report (Invoicing)

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file order report that can be requested or scheduled. This report can be used to generate tax invoices in the EU region. This report shows orders from the previous 60 days.

Seller Central sellers can only schedule one GET_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_INVOICING or GET_FLAT_FILE_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_INVOICING report at a time.

If you have one of these reports scheduled and you schedule a new report, the existing report will be canceled.

Note: The format of this report will differ slightly depending on whether it is scheduled or requested.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • ShowSalesChannel - A Boolean value that indicates whether an additional column is added to the report that shows the sales channel. Default: false.

Can be requested or scheduled.

Requested or Scheduled Flat File Order Report (Shipping)

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file order report that can be requested or scheduled. This report shows orders from the previous 60 days. This report can be used to ship Amazon orders.

Seller Central sellers can only schedule one GET_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_SHIPPING or GET_FLAT_FILE_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_SHIPPING report at a time.

If you have one of these reports scheduled and you schedule a new report, the existing report will be canceled.

Note: The format of this report will differ slightly depending on whether it is scheduled or requested.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • ShowSalesChannel - A Boolean value that indicates whether an additional column is added to the report that shows the sales channel. Default: false.

Can be requested or scheduled.

Requested or Scheduled Flat File Order Report (Tax)

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file order report for the NA region that can be requested or scheduled. This report shows orders from the previous 60 days for NA region only.

Seller Central sellers can only schedule one GET_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_TAX or GET_FLAT_FILE_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_TAX report at a time.

If you have one of these reports scheduled and you schedule a new report, the existing report will be canceled.

Note: The format of this report will differ slightly depending on whether it is scheduled or requested.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • ShowSalesChannel - A Boolean value that indicates whether an additional column is added to the report that shows the sales channel. Default: false.

Can be requested or scheduled.

# Order tracking reports

These order tracking reports are available in North America (NA) and Europe (EU). For all sellers. These reports return all orders, regardless of fulfillment channel or shipment status. These reports are intended for order tracking, not to drive a seller's fulfillment process, as the reports do not include customer-identifying information and scheduling is not supported. Also note that for self-fulfilled orders, item price is not shown for orders in a "pending" state.

Name Description
Flat File Orders By Last Update Report

reportType value:

For all sellers.

Tab-delimited flat file report that shows all orders updated in the specified period.

Can be requested.

Flat File Orders By Order Date Report

reportType value:

For all sellers.

Tab-delimited flat file report that shows all orders that were placed in the specified period.

Can be requested.

Flat File Archived Orders Report

reportType value:

For all sellers.

Tab-delimited flat file report that shows all archived orders that were placed in the specified period.

Can be requested.

XML Orders By Last Update Report

reportType value:

For all sellers.

XML report that shows all orders updated in the specified period.

Can be requested.

XML Orders By Order Date Report

reportType value:

For all sellers.

XML report that shows all orders that were placed in the specified period.

Can be requested.

# Pending order reports

These pending order reports are only available in the Japan marketplace.

Name Description

Flat File Pending Orders Report

reportType value:

For all sellers.

Tab-delimited flat file report that shows all pending orders.

Can be requested or scheduled.

XML Pending Orders Report

reportType value:

XML report that shows all pending orders. Can only be scheduled using Amazon MWS.

Can be requested or scheduled.

Converged Flat File Pending Orders Report

reportType value:

For Marketplace sellers.

Flat file report that shows all pending orders.

Can be requested or scheduled.

# Returns reports

Name Description

XML Returns Report by Return Date

reportType value:

XML report contains detailed returns information, including return request date, RMA ID, label details, ASIN, and return reason code. You can request up to 60 days of data in a single report.

Can be requested or scheduled.

Flat File Returns Report by Return Date

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file report that contains detailed returns information, including return request date, RMA ID, label details, ASIN, and return reason code. You can request up to 60 days of data in a single report.

Can be requested or scheduled.

XML Prime Returns Report by Return Date

reportType value:

XML report that contains detailed Seller Fulfilled Prime returns information, including return request date, RMA ID, label details, ASIN, and return reason code. You can request up to 60 days of data in a single report.

Can be requested or scheduled.

CSV Prime Returns Report by Return Date

reportType value:

Comma-separated flat file report that contains detailed Seller Fulfilled Prime returns information, including return request date, RMA ID, label details, ASIN, and return reason code. You can request up to 60 days of data in a single report.

Can be requested or scheduled.

XML Return Attributes Report by Return Date

reportType value:


XML report that contains detailed return attribute information by SKU, including prepaid label eligibility and returnless refund eligibility. You can request up to 60 days of data in a single report.

Can be requested or scheduled.

Flat File Return Attributes Report by Return Date

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file report that contains detailed return attribute information by SKU, including prepaid label eligibility and returnless refund eligibility. You can request up to 60 days of data in a single report.

Can be requested or scheduled.

# Performance reports

Name Description

Flat File Feedback Report

reportType value:

For all sellers.

Tab-delimited flat file report that contains negative and neutral feedback (one to three stars) from buyers who rated the seller's performance.

Can be requested.

XML Customer Metrics Report

reportType value:

For all sellers.

XML report that contains select, individual performance metrics data from the Seller Central dashboard.

Can be requested.

Seller Performance Report

reportType value:

For all sellers.

Report that contains the individual performance metrics data from the Seller Central Account Health dashboard.

Can be requested

Promotions Performance Report

reportType value:

Available to sellers who have the Selling Partner Insights Selling Partner API role and vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role who are also registered in Amazon's Brand Registry.

JSON report containing data from promotion campaigns to help sellers and vendors optimize their promotions and adjust their advertising strategies. The report includes sales from promotions, the types of discounts that were offered, and how many items were sold as a result of the promotions. Currently, three promotion types are supported for vendors (Best Deal, Lightning Deal, and Price Discount), and two promotion types are supported for sellers (Best Deal and Lightning Deal).

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • promotionStartDateFrom. The start of a date and time range (in ISO 8601 date time format) used for selecting promotions to report on. Be sure to specify the time zone: either UTC or an offset from UTC.
  • promotionStartDateTo. The end of a date and time range (in ISO 8601 date time format) used for selecting promotions to report on. Be sure to specify the time zone: either UTC or an offset from UTC.
    "reportOptions": {
      "promotionStartDateFrom": "2020-11-23T15:33:26Z",
      "promotionStartDateTo": "2020-12-06T15:33:26Z"

Requests must include the promotionStartDateFrom and promotionStartDateTo in the reportOptions. All promotions with a start date-time that fall within the range of promotionStartDateFrom and promotionStartDateTo will be included.

Report behaviors:

  • If a selected promotion is in progress when you request a report, the report will contain cumulative data for the promotion up until the day prior to your report request.
  • A report will contain complete information on a selected promotion if the promotion ended one day or more before the time you requested the report.
  • This report supports start dates up to two years before the current date.
  • Data for this report is updated on a daily basis, so some fields might not reflect the most up-to-date state of the promotion.

Can be requested by both sellers and vendors.

Coupons Performance Report

reportType value:

Available to vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role.

JSON report containing data from coupon campaigns to help vendors optimize their promotions and adjust their advertising strategies. The report includes campaign-level details (total clips, redemptions) and coupon-level details (start/end date, clips, redemptions, and budget information).

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • campaignStartDateFrom. The start of a date and time range in ISO 8601 date time format used for selecting coupon campaigns to report on. Be sure to specify the time zone: either UTC or an offset from UTC.
  • campaignStartDateTo. The end of a date and time range in ISO 8601 date time format used for selecting coupon campaigns to report on. Be sure to specify the time zone: either UTC or an offset from UTC.

"reportOptions": {"campaignStartDateFrom": "2020-11-23T15:33:26Z","campaignStartDateTo": "2020-12-06T15:33:26Z"}

Requests must include the campaignStartDateFrom and campaignStartDateTo in the reportOptions. All campaigns with a start date-time that fall within the range of campaignStartDateFrom and campaignStartDateTo will be included. The start date-time of a campaign is considered to be the earliest start date-time of any of its coupons.

Report behaviors:

  • If a selected campaign is in progress when you request a report, the report will contain cumulative data for the campaign up until the day prior to your report request.
  • A report will contain complete information on a selected campaign if the campaign ended one day or more before the time you requested the report.
  • This report supports start dates up to two years before the current date.
  • Data for this report is updated on a daily basis, so some fields might not reflect the most up-to-date state of the campaign.

Can be requested.

# Settlement reports

Settlement reports cannot be requested or scheduled. They are automatically scheduled by Amazon. You can search for these reports using the getReports operation.

Name Description

Flat File Settlement Report


For all sellers.

Tab-delimited flat file settlement report.

XML Settlement Report

reportType value:

For Seller Central sellers only.

XML file settlement report.

Flat File V2 Settlement Report

reportType value:

For Seller Central sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file alternate version of the Flat File Settlement Report. Price columns are condensed into three general purpose columns: amounttype, amountdescription, and amount. For Seller Central sellers only.

# Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) reports

There are limits to how often Amazon will generate FBA reports. These limits depend on whether an FBA report is a near-real time report or a daily report. See the following table to see which FBA reports are near-real-time and which are daily.

A near-real time FBA report is generated no more than once every 30 minutes. This means that after a near-real time FBA report is generated following your report request, a 30-minute waiting period must pass before Amazon will generate an updated version of that report. Note that the four "All Orders" reports are not subject to this limitation.

A daily FBA report is generated no more than once every four hours. This means that after a daily FBA report is generated following your report request, a four-hour waiting period must pass before Amazon will generate an updated version of that report.

Name Description
FBA Sales Reports

FBA Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains detailed order/shipment/item information including price, courier, and tracking data. You can request up to one month of data in a single report. Content updated in near-real time in Europe (EU), Japan, and North America (NA).

Note: In Japan, EU, and NA, in most cases, there will be a delay of approximately one to three hours from the time a fulfillment order ships and the time the items in the fulfillment order appear in the report. In some rare cases there could be a delay of up to 24 hours.

Can be requested.

FBA Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report (Invoicing)

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. This report should be used to generate tax invoices in the EU region. You can request up to one month of data in a single report. Content updated in near-real time in Europe (EU), Japan, and North America (NA).

Note: In most cases, there will be a delay of approximately one to three hours from the time a fulfillment order ships and the time the items in the fulfillment order appear in the report. In some rare cases there could be a delay of up to 24 hours.

Can be requested.

FBA Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report (Tax)

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. This report is for calculating and remitting taxes in the NA region. You can request up to one month of data in a single report. Content updated in near-real time in Europe (EU), Japan, and North America (NA).

Note: In most cases, there will be a delay of approximately one to three hours from the time a fulfillment order ships and the time the items in the fulfillment order appear in the report. In some rare cases there could be a delay of up to 24 hours.

Can be requested.

Flat File All Orders Report by Last Update

reportType value:

For all sellers.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Returns all orders updated in the specified date range regardless of fulfillment channel or shipment status. This report is intended for order tracking, not to drive a seller's fulfillment process. It does not include customer identifying information and scheduling is not supported.

Can be requested.

Flat File All Orders Report by Order Date

reportType value:

For all sellers.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Returns all orders placed in the specified date range regardless of fulfillment channel or shipment status. This report is intended for order tracking, not to drive a seller's fulfillment process. It does not include customer identifying information and scheduling is not supported.

Can be requested.

XML All Orders Report by Last Update

reportType value:

For all sellers.

XML file order report that returns all orders updated in the specified date range regardless of fulfillment channel or shipment status. This report is intended for order tracking, not to drive a seller's fulfillment process. It does not include customer identifying information and scheduling is not supported.

Can be requested.

XML All Orders Report by Order Date

reportType value:

For all sellers.

XML file order report that returns all orders placed in the specified date range regardless of fulfillment channel or shipment status. This report is intended for order tracking, not to drive a seller's fulfillment process. It does not include customer identifying information and scheduling is not supported.

Can be requested.

FBA Customer Shipment Sales Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains condensed item level data on shipped FBA customer orders including price, quantity, and ship to location. Content updated in near-real time in Europe (EU), Japan, and North America (NA).

Note: In Japan, EU, and NA, in most cases, there will be a delay of approximately one to three hours from the time a fulfillment order ships and the time the items in the fulfillment order appear in the report. In some rare cases there could be a delay of up to 24 hours.

Can be requested.

FBA Promotions Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers in North America (NA) only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains promotions applied to FBA customer orders sold through Amazon, such as Super Saver Shipping. Content updated daily.

Can be requested.

FBA Customer Taxes

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report for tax-enabled US sellers. This report contains data through February 28, 2013. All new transaction data can be found in the Sales Tax Report.

Can be requested.

Remote Fulfillment Eligibility

reportType value:

Can be requested.

Tab-delimited flat file report that contains all of a seller's US Fulfillment by Amazon offers, including whether they qualify for the North America Remote Fulfillment (NARF) program.

Note: Recheck this report regularly, since ASIN eligibility can change. This report can take up to 24 hours to generate.

FBA Inventory Reports

FBA Amazon Fulfilled Inventory Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Content updated in near-real time.

Can be requested.

FBA Multi-Country Inventory Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers in Europe (EU) only. For Seller Central sellers.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains quantity available for local fulfillment by country, helping Multi-Country Inventory sellers in Europe track their FBA inventory. Content updated in near-real time.

Can be requested.

Inventory Ledger Report - Summary View

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file report. Inventory Ledger Report is like a "bank statement" of your inventory. It provides end-to-end inventory reconciliation capability by showing starting inventory balance, received inventory, customer orders, customer returns, adjustments, removals and ending balance.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • aggregateByLocation - Include Country to aggregate Summary View data by country. Include FulfillmentCenter to aggregate Summary View data by fulfillment center. Default: COUNTRY.

  • aggregatedByTimePeriod - Specify the time period to aggregate Summary View data accordingly (for example, MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, etc.). Default: MONTHLY.

Can be requested.

Inventory Ledger Report - Detailed View

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file report. Use the Inventory Ledger Report - Detailed View to analyze your inventory movements to and from Amazon fulfillment centers, including products that are sold, returned, removed/disposed, damaged, lost, and found. You can view all historical movements of your inventory for 18 months in this report.

Can be requested.

FBA Daily Inventory History Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains historical daily snapshots of a seller's available inventory in Amazon’s fulfillment centers including quantity, location, and disposition. Content updated daily.

Can be requested.

FBA Monthly Inventory History Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains historical monthly snapshots of the seller's available inventory in Amazon’s fulfillment centers including average and end-of-month quantity, location, and disposition. Content updated daily.

Can be requested.

FBA Received Inventory Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains inventory that has completed the receive process at Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Content updated daily.

Can be requested.

FBA Reserved Inventory Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Provides data about the number of reserved units in a seller's inventory. Content updated in near-real time.

Can be requested.

FBA Inventory Event Detail Report


For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains history of inventory events (for example, receipts, shipments, adjustments etc.) by SKU and fulfillment center. Content updated daily.

Can be requested.

FBA Inventory Adjustments Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains corrections and updates to a seller's inventory in response to issues such as damage, loss, receiving discrepancies, etc. Content updated daily.

Can be requested.

FBA Inventory Health Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains information about inventory age, condition, sales volume, weeks of cover, and price. Content updated daily. For FBA Sellers only.

Can be requested.

FBA Manage Inventory

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains current details of active (not archived) inventory including condition, quantity, and volume. Content updated in near-real time.

Can be requested.

FBA Manage Inventory - Archived

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains current details of all (including archived) inventory including condition, quantity, and volume. Content updated in near-real time.

Can be requested.

Restock Inventory Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Provides recommendations on products to restock, suggested order quantities, and reorder dates. Content updated in near-real time.

Can be requested.

FBA Inbound Performance Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains inbound shipment problems by product and shipment. Content updated daily.

Can be requested.

FBA Stranded Inventory Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains a breakdown of inventory in stranded status, including recommended actions. Content updated in near-real time.

Can be requested.

FBA Bulk Fix Stranded Inventory Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains a list of stranded inventory. Update the listing information in this report file and then submit the file using the Flat File Inventory Loader Feed (POST_FLAT_FILE_INVLOADER_DATA) of the Feeds API. Content updated in near-real time.

Can be requested.

FBA Inventory Age Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Indicates the age of inventory, which helps sellers take action to avoid paying the Long Term Storage Fee. Content updated daily.

Can be requested.

FBA Manage Excess Inventory Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains listings with excess inventory, which helps sellers take action to sell through faster. Content updated in near-real time.

Can be requested.

FBA Storage Fees Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains estimated monthly inventory storage fees for each ASIN of a seller's inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers.

Can be requested or scheduled.

Get Report Exchange Data

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file report that contains product exchange information for the specified time duration.

Can be requested.

FBA Manage Inventory Health Report

reportType value:

Available to FBA sellers with the Amazon Fulfillment role.

Tab-delimited flat file report. This report provides a consolidated view across your sales (7, 30, 60, and 90 days), shipment statuses (working, received, and shipped), estimated storage and long-term storage fees, and aged and excess units. It includes metrics across sales, inbound, estimated fees, and recommended actions.

Can be requested.

FBA Inventory Storage Overage Fees Report

reportType value:

Available to FBA sellers with the Amazon Fulfillment role.

Tab-delimited flat file. Estimated inventory storage overage fees for each storage type of your inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers that exceeds your storage limits.

Can be requested.

FBA Payments Reports

FBA Fee Preview Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains the estimated Amazon Selling and Fulfillment Fees for the seller's FBA inventory with active offers. The content is updated at least once every 72 hours. To successfully generate a report, specify the StartDate parameter for a minimum 72 hours prior to NOW and EndDate to NOW.

Can be requested.

FBA Reimbursements Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains itemized details of a seller's inventory reimbursements, including the reason for the reimbursement. Content updated daily.

Can be requested.

FBA Long Term Storage Fee Charges Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file report that contains the charge data for long-term storage.

Can be requested.

FBA Customer Concessions Reports

FBA Returns Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains customer returned items received at an Amazon fulfillment center, including Return Reason and Disposition. Content updated daily.

Can be requested.

FBA Replacements Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains replacements that have been issued to customers for completed orders. Content updated daily. For FBA sellers only.

Can be requested.

FBA Removals Reports

FBA Recommended Removal Report


For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. This report identifies sellable items that will be 365 days old or older during the next Long-Term Storage cleanup event, if the report is generated within six weeks of the cleanup event date.

This report includes both sellable and unsellable items. Content updated daily.

Can be requested.

FBA Removal Order Detail Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. This report contains all the removal orders, including the items in each removal order, placed during any given time period. This can be used to help reconcile the total number of items requested to be removed from an Amazon fulfillment center with the actual number of items removed, along with the status of each item in the removal order. Content updated in near-real time.

Can be requested.

FBA Removal Shipment Detail Report

reportType value:

For FBA sellers only.

Tab-delimited flat file report. This report provides shipment tracking information for all removal orders and includes the items that have been removed from an Amazon fulfillment center for either a single removal order or for a date range. This report will not include canceled returns or disposed items; it is only for shipment information. Content updated in near-real time.

Can be requested.

FBA Small and Light Reports

Small & Light Inventory Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file report. Contains all of a seller's products that are enrolled in the Small & Light program and how much inventory they currently have in Small & Light fulfillment centers. The report also shows the seller's current prices and whether any of their products are in unsellable status.

Can be requested.

# Tax Reports

Name Description

Sales Tax Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file for tax-enabled US sellers. Content updated daily. This report cannot be requested or scheduled. The seller must generate the report from the Tax Document Library in Seller Central. After the report has been generated, you can search for it using the getReports operation.

Amazon VAT Calculation Report

reportType value:

This report is only available in the Germany, Spain, Italy, France, and UK marketplaces.

Comma-separated flat file report that provides detailed value-added tax (VAT) calculation information for buyer shipments, returns, and refunds.

Can be requested.

Amazon VAT Transactions Report

reportType value:

This report is only available in the Germany, Spain, Italy, France, and UK marketplaces.

Tab-delimited flat file report that provides detailed information for sales, returns, refunds, cross border inbound, and cross border fulfillment center transfers.

Can be requested.

On Demand GST Merchant Tax Report B2B

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file report that provides detailed information about sales, refunds, and cancellations from Amazon Business invoices issued within a date range that you specify.

Can be requested.

On Demand GST Merchant Tax Report B2C

reportType value:

Tab-delimited flat file report that provides detailed information about sales, refunds, and cancellations from consumer invoices issued within a date range that you specify.

Can be requested.

On Demand Stock Transfer Report

reportType value:

This report is for all FBA sellers who use Amazon systems to make inventory movements from Amazon Fulfillment Centers (FC removals or FC to FC transfers). Required for filing tax returns by sellers and vendors.

Comma-separated flat file report that provides transaction level information like invoice value, invoice number, tax rate, and Goods and Services Tax Identification Numbers (GSTINs).

All supplies that go through interstate movement transactions are considered taxable supplies. These supplies are liable for a Goods and Services Tax (GST) at the origin location and GST credit at the destination location.

Can be requested.

# Invoice data reports

Name Description

Flat File VAT Invoice Data Report (VIDR)

reportType value:

This report is for sellers who have enrolled in Amazon's VAT Calculation Service and have opted to upload their own invoices. This report is for both Fulfillment by Amazon and seller-fulfilled orders. Available in the following marketplaces:

  • Spain
  • UK
  • France
  • Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Sweden
  • Poland

Tab-delimited flat file report that provides all of the information required to generate a VAT invoice for each shipment, return, or refund for a seller's order. A shipment is included in this report immediately after it is dispatched. Amazon recommends scheduling this report at least twice a day.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • pendingInvoices – A Boolean value. When true, the report contains only shipments for which invoices and credit notes are pending. This report does not contain shipments for which invoices have already been uploaded successfully. Includes shipments for orders that were placed within the previous 90 days. When false, or if pendingInvoices is not included in reportOptions, the content of the report depends on the value of all.
    Example: "reportOptions": {"ReportOption=pendingInvoices": "true"}
  • all – A Boolean value. When true, the report contains shipments for orders that were placed within the date range that you specify. Includes shipments of all possible invoice statuses. You must specify the startDate and endDate parameters of the createReport operation. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK. The maximum allowed date range is 30 days. When false, or if all is not included in reportOptions, the content of the report depends on the value of pendingInvoices.
    Example: "reportOptions": {"ReportOption=All": "true"}

Default: "pendingInvoices" : "true".

For detailed information about using this report, see the VAT Calculation Service (VCS) Guide.

XML VAT Invoice Data Report (VIDR)

reportType value:

This report is for sellers who have enrolled in Amazon's VAT Calculation Service and have opted to upload their own invoices. This report is for both Fulfillment by Amazon and seller-fulfilled orders. Available in the following marketplaces:

  • Spain
  • UK
  • France
  • Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Sweden
  • Poland

XML report that provides all of the information required to generate a VAT invoice for each shipment, return, or refund for a seller's order. A shipment is included in this report immediately after it is dispatched. Amazon recommends scheduling this report at least twice a day.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • pendingInvoices – A Boolean value. When true, the report contains only shipments for which invoices and credit notes are pending. This report does not contain shipments for which invoices have already been uploaded successfully. Includes shipments for orders that were placed within the previous 90 days. When false, or if pendingInvoices is not included in reportOptions, the content of the report depends on the value of all.
    Example: "reportOptions":{"pendingInvoices":"true"}
  • all – A Boolean value. When true, the report contains shipments for orders that were placed within the date range that you specify. Includes shipments of all possible invoice statuses. You must specify the startDate and endDate parameters of the createReport operation. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK. The maximum allowed date range is 30 days. When false, or if all is not included in reportOptions, the content of the report depends on the value of pendingInvoices.
    Example: "reportOptions":{"all":"true"}

Default: "pendingInvoices" : "true".

For detailed information about using this report, see the VAT Calculation Service (VCS) Guide.

# Browse tree report

Name Description

Browse Tree Report

reportType value:

XML report that provides browse tree hierarchy information and node refinement information for the Amazon retail website in any marketplace.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • MarketplaceId – Specifies the marketplace from which you want browse tree information. If MarketplaceId is not included in the reportOptions parameter, the report contains browse tree information from the seller's default marketplace.

Note: The seller must be registered in any marketplace that you specify using the MarketplaceId value. Also, your request must be sent to an endpoint that corresponds to the MarketplaceId that you specify. Otherwise the service returns an error.

  • RootNodesOnly - A Boolean value. When true, the report contains only the root nodes from the marketplace specified using MarketplaceId (or from the seller's default marketplace, if MarketplaceId is not specified). When false, or if RootNodesOnly is not included in the ReportOptions parameter, the content of the report depends on the value of BrowseNodeId.
  • BrowseNodeId – Specifies the top node of the browse tree hierarchy in the report. If BrowseNodeId is not included in the ReportOptions parameter, and if RootNodesOnly is false or is not included in the ReportOptions parameter, then the report contains the entire browse node hierarchy from the marketplace specified using MarketplaceId (or from the seller's default marketplace, if MarketplaceId is not specified). Note that if you include an invalid BrowseNodeId in your request, the service returns a report that contains no data.

Note: If RootNodesOnly and BrowseNodeId are both included in the reportOptions parameter, RootNodesOnly takes precedence.

Note: Amazon recommends that you do not include the marketplaceIds parameter with calls to the createReport operation that request the Browse Tree Report. If there is ever a conflict between a marketplaceIds parameter value and the MarketplaceId value of the reportOptions parameter, the MarketplaceId value takes precedence.

To keep track of which browse nodes change over time, Amazon recommends that each time you request this report you compare it to the last report you requested using the same reportOptions values.


The Browse Tree Report is described by the following XSD: BrowseTreeReport.xsd.

Note: Amazon may update the BrowseTreeReport.xsd schema. Keep this in mind if you choose to use this schema for validation.

Can be requested or scheduled.

# Easy ship reports

Name Description

EasyShip Report

reportType value:

PDF report that contains the invoice, shipping label, and warranty (if available) documents for an Amazon Easy Ship order.

EasyShip Picked Up Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited report that contains all of the seller-fulfilled orders that were picked up on the specified dates.

EasyShip Waiting for Pick Up Report

reportType value:

Tab-delimited report that contains all of a seller's orders that are in the "Waiting for pick up" status in Seller Central.

# Amazon business reports

Name Description

Manage Quotes Report

reportType value:

For Amazon Business sellers only.

A Microsoft Excel Workbook (.xlsx) file. Contains current details of requests for quantity discounts, including customer requests, active quantity discounts, analysis of pending requests, and analysis of all requests. Content updated in near-real time.

Can be requested or scheduled.

Referral Fee Discounts Report

reportType value:

A Microsoft Excel Workbook (.xlsx) file that contains a summary of the seller's fee discounts.

Note: The information in this report may be up to 24 hours old. Please do not request a report more than once within a 24-hour period.

Can be requested or scheduled.

# B2B product opportunities reports

Name Description

B2B Product Opportunities - Recommended for You Report

reportType value:

This report is only available in these marketplaces:

  • US

  • Spain

  • UK

  • France

  • Germany

  • Italy

  • India

  • Japan

Comma-separated report that includes recommended products that might be a good opportunity for the selling partner's business on Amazon. Each report offers up to 10,000 recommendations and is refreshed weekly.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • categories - type: String | (Optional) | Defaults to "".
    Accepts a semicolon separated list of categories to use to filter the report.
    Example: "reportOptions":{"categories":"Luggage;Wireless;Groceries"}
    The list of categories can be obtained by generating a report without entering a categories parameter.
  • subCategories - type: String | (Optional) |Defaults to "".
    Accepts a semicolon separated list of subcategories to use to filter the report.
    Example: "reportOptions":{"subCategories":"9100 Backpacks;1500 Navigation Electronics"}
    The list of subcategories can be obtained by generating a report without entering a subCategories parameter.
  • depersonalized - type: Boolean | (Optional) | Defaults to false.
    A value that indicates if you are requesting a depersonalized report. A depersonalized report provides default recommendations that are not customized based on current seller history.
    Example: "reportOptions":{"depersonalized":"true"}
  • filterMode - type: "include" or "exclude" | (Optional) | Defaults to include.
    Use "include" to include only the categories or subCategories specified in reportOptions, or "exclude" to exclude them from the report (for example, the report will not show any listings with "Home Improvement" if it was specified as the category).
    Example: "reportOptions":{"filterMode":"exclude"}

Note: categories and subCategories are exclusive operations. If both a list of categories and subCategories are provided, the returned report will only filter for subCategories, and disregard the input from categories.

Can be requested.

B2B Product Opportunities - Not yet on Amazon

reportType value:

This report is only available in these marketplaces:

  • US

  • Spain

  • UK

  • France

  • Germany

  • Italy

  • India

  • Japan

Comma-separated report includes a compiled a list of products that are in demand, but are not yet on Amazon. Each report offers up to 10,000 recommendations and is refreshed weekly.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • categories - type: String | (Optional) | Defaults to "".
    Accepts a semicolon separated list of categories to use to filter the report.
    Example: "reportOptions":{"categories":"Luggage;Wireless;Groceries"}
    The list of categories can be obtained by generating a report without entering a categories parameter.
  • depersonalized - type: Boolean | (Optional) | Defaults to false.
    A value that indicates if you are requesting a depersonalized report. A depersonalized report provides default recommendations that are not customized based on current seller history.
    Example: "reportOptions":{"depersonalized":"true"}
  • filterMode - type: "include" or "exclude" | (Optional) | Defaults to include.
    Use "include" to include only the categories or subCategories specified in reportOptions, or "exclude" to exclude them from the report (for example, the report will not show any listings with "Home Improvement" if it was specified as the category).
    Example: "reportOptions":{"filterMode":"exclude"}

Note: subCategories are not available in this report.

Can be requested.

# Regulatory compliance reports

Name Description

EPR Monthly Report

reportType value:

Available to sellers who have the Product Listing Selling Partner API role.

Comma-separated flat file report containing data used to declare EPR compliance to regulatory bodies and pay EPR fees, aggregated by month.

Amazon Extended Producer Responsibility Reports (Amazon EPR Reports) allow sellers to programmatically retrieve all the necessary data required for EPR reporting to regulatory bodies and pay EPR fees. Amazon EPR Reports offer a significant time savings to sellers by generating reports without requiring manual data compilation across several data sources and manual product classification.

Can be requested.

EPR Quarterly Report

reportType value:

Available to sellers who have the Product Listing Selling Partner API role.

Comma-separated flat file report containing data used to declare EPR compliance to regulatory bodies and pay EPR fees, aggregated by quarter.

Amazon Extended Producer Responsibility Reports (Amazon EPR Reports) allow sellers to programmatically retrieve all the necessary data required for EPR reporting to regulatory bodies and pay EPR fees. Amazon EPR Reports offer a significant time savings to sellers by generating reports without requiring manual data compilation across several data sources and manual product classification.

Can be requested.

EPR Annual Report

reportType value:

Available to sellers who have the Product Listing Selling Partner API role.

Comma-separated flat file report containing data used to declare EPR compliance to regulatory bodies and pay EPR fees, aggregated by year.

Amazon Extended Producer Responsibility Reports (Amazon EPR Reports) allow sellers to programmatically retrieve all the necessary data required for EPR reporting to regulatory bodies and pay EPR fees. Amazon EPR Reports offer a significant time savings to sellers by generating reports without requiring manual data compilation across several data sources and manual product classification.

Can be requested.