About And Donate

# Developer Apply

If you encounter problems in applying for SPApi(PII) developers, you can contact me at any time, email [email protected] or WeChat sfgoods

# About Site

The original intention of the website is to make it easier for developers to browse Amazon documents. I plan to translate the documents into many languages around the world. from english

  • [√] Chinese Simplified - 60%
  • [×] Japanese
  • [×] Indian

Other language are still planned, comments are welcome

In addition, there will be a forum for the exchange of daily problems Of course there will be some tutorials These are all done by myself during non-work hours, and he takes up my time with my family and relaxation. If this site can help you, please donate as a thank you, like buying me a cup of coffee once in a while

# Donations

We accept donations through these channels:

# paypal Me


# alipay


# wechat


# About Me

I am a back-end engineer, also engaged in e-commerce related work including amazon platform If you have suggestions and comments or ads on the website want to contact me, please email to [email protected] Or add my WeChat: sfgoods