Feeds API v2020-09-04 reference


# Overview

The Selling Partner API for Feeds lets you upload data to Amazon on behalf of a selling partner.

# Version information

Version : 2020-09-04

# Operations


# Paths

# getFeeds

GET /feeds/2020-09-04/feeds

# Description

Returns feed details for the feeds that match the filters that you specify.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second) Burst
0.0222 10

For more information, see "Usage Plans and Rate Limits" in the Selling Partner API documentation.

# Parameters

Type Name Description Schema Default
Query feedTypes
A list of feed types used to filter feeds. When feedTypes is provided, the other filter parameters (processingStatuses, marketplaceIds, createdSince, createdUntil) and pageSize may also be provided. Either feedTypes or nextToken is required.
Min count : 1
Max count : 10
< string > array -
Query marketplaceIds
A list of marketplace identifiers used to filter feeds. The feeds returned will match at least one of the marketplaces that you specify.
Min count : 1
Max count : 10
< string > array -
Query pageSize
The maximum number of feeds to return in a single call.
Minimum : 1
Maximum : 100
integer 10
Query processingStatuses
A list of processing statuses used to filter feeds.
Min count : 1
< enum (ProcessingStatuses) > array -
Query createdSince
The earliest feed creation date and time for feeds included in the response, in ISO 8601 format. The default is 90 days ago. Feeds are retained for a maximum of 90 days. string (date-time) -
Query createdUntil
The latest feed creation date and time for feeds included in the response, in ISO 8601 format. The default is now. string (date-time) -
Query nextToken
A string token returned in the response to your previous request. nextToken is returned when the number of results exceeds the specified pageSize value. To get the next page of results, call the getFeeds operation and include this token as the only parameter. Specifying nextToken with any other parameters will cause the request to fail. string -

# Responses

HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Success.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
400 Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
401 The request's Authorization header is not formatted correctly or does not contain a valid token.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
403 Indicates access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature.
Headers :
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
404 The specified resource does not exist.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
415 The request's Content-Type header is invalid.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier.
429 The frequency of requests was greater than allowed.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
500 An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
503 Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.

For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.

# createFeed

POST /feeds/2020-09-04/feeds

# Description

Creates a feed. Encrypt and upload the contents of the feed document before calling this operation.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second) Burst
0.0083 15

For more information, see "Usage Plans and Rate Limits" in the Selling Partner API documentation.

# Parameters

Type Name Schema
Body body

# Responses

HTTP Code Description Schema
202 Success.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
400 Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
401 The request's Authorization header is not formatted correctly or does not contain a valid token.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
403 Indicates access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature.
Headers :
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
404 The specified resource does not exist.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
415 The request's Content-Type header is invalid.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier.
429 The frequency of requests was greater than allowed.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
500 An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
503 Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.

For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.

# getFeed

GET /feeds/2020-09-04/feeds/{feedId}

# Description

Returns feed details (including the resultDocumentId, if available) for the feed that you specify.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second) Burst
2.0 15

For more information, see "Usage Plans and Rate Limits" in the Selling Partner API documentation.

# Parameters

Type Name Description Schema
Path feedId
The identifier for the feed. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID. string

# Responses

HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Success.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
400 Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
401 The request's Authorization header is not formatted correctly or does not contain a valid token.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
403 Indicates access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature.
Headers :
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
404 The specified resource does not exist.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
415 The request's Content-Type header is invalid.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier.
429 The frequency of requests was greater than allowed.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
500 An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
503 Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.

For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.

# cancelFeed

DELETE /feeds/2020-09-04/feeds/{feedId}

# Description

Cancels the feed that you specify. Only feeds with processingStatus=IN_QUEUE can be cancelled. Cancelled feeds are returned in subsequent calls to the getFeed and getFeeds operations.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second) Burst
0.0222 10

For more information, see "Usage Plans and Rate Limits" in the Selling Partner API documentation.

# Parameters

Type Name Description Schema
Path feedId
The identifier for the feed. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID. string

# Responses

HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Success.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
400 Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
401 The request's Authorization header is not formatted correctly or does not contain a valid token.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
403 Indicates access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature.
Headers :
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
404 The specified resource does not exist.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
415 The request's Content-Type header is invalid.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier.
429 The frequency of requests was greater than allowed.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
500 An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
503 Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.

For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.

# createFeedDocument

POST /feeds/2020-09-04/documents

# Description

Creates a feed document for the feed type that you specify. This operation returns encryption details for encrypting the contents of the document, as well as a presigned URL for uploading the encrypted feed document contents. It also returns a feedDocumentId value that you can pass in with a subsequent call to the createFeed operation.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second) Burst
0.0083 15

For more information, see "Usage Plans and Rate Limits" in the Selling Partner API documentation.

# Parameters

Type Name Schema
Body body

# Responses

HTTP Code Description Schema
201 Successfully created a feed document that is ready to receive contents.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
400 Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
403 Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature.
Headers :
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
404 The resource specified does not exist.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
415 The request payload is in an unsupported format.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
429 The frequency of requests was greater than allowed.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
500 An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
503 Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.

For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.

# getFeedDocument

GET /feeds/2020-09-04/documents/{feedDocumentId}

# Description

Returns the information required for retrieving a feed document's contents. This includes a presigned URL for the feed document as well as the information required to decrypt the document's contents.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second) Burst
0.0222 10

For more information, see "Usage Plans and Rate Limits" in the Selling Partner API documentation.

# Parameters

Type Name Description Schema
Path feedDocumentId
The identifier of the feed document. string

# Responses

HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Success.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
400 Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
401 The request's Authorization header is not formatted correctly or does not contain a valid token.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
403 Indicates access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature.
Headers :
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
404 The specified resource does not exist.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
415 The request's Content-Type header is invalid.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier.
429 The frequency of requests was greater than allowed.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
500 An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.
503 Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference ID.

For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.

# Error Responses and Schemas

This table contains HTTP status codes and associated information for error responses.

HTTP Code Description Schema
413 The request size exceeded the maximum accepted size.
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned.
x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference ID.

# Definitions

# Error

An error response returned when the request is unsuccessful.

Name Description Schema
An error code that identifies the type of error that occurred. string
A message that describes the error condition in a human-readable form. string
Additional details that can help the caller understand or fix the issue. string

# ErrorList

A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful.

Type : < Error > array

# CancelFeedResponse

Response schema.

Name Description Schema
A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful. ErrorList

# CreateFeedResult

Name Description Schema
The identifier for the feed. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID. string

# Feed

Name Description Schema
The identifier for the feed. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID. string
The feed type. string
A list of identifiers for the marketplaces that the feed is applied to. < string > array
The date and time when the feed was created, in ISO 8601 date time format. string (date-time)
The processing status of the feed. enum (ProcessingStatus)
The date and time when feed processing started, in ISO 8601 date time format. string (date-time)
The date and time when feed processing completed, in ISO 8601 date time format. string (date-time)
The identifier for the feed document. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID. string

# FeedList

Type : < Feed > array

# GetFeedsResponse

Response schema.

Name Description Schema
- FeedList
Returned when the number of results exceeds pageSize. To get the next page of results, call the getFeeds operation with this token as the only parameter. string
A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful. ErrorList

# GetFeedResponse

Response schema.

Name Description Schema
- Feed
A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful. ErrorList

# FeedDocumentEncryptionDetails

Encryption details for required client-side encryption and decryption of document contents.

Name Description Schema
The encryption standard required to encrypt or decrypt the document contents. enum (Standard)
The vector to encrypt or decrypt the document contents using Cipher Block Chaining (CBC). string
The encryption key used to encrypt or decrypt the document contents. string

# FeedDocument

Name Description Schema
The identifier for the feed document. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID. string
A presigned URL for the feed document. This URL expires after 5 minutes. string
Encryption details for required client-side encryption and decryption of document contents. FeedDocumentEncryptionDetails
If present, the feed document contents are compressed using the indicated algorithm. enum (CompressionAlgorithm)

# GetFeedDocumentResponse

Response schema.

Name Description Schema
- FeedDocument
A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful. ErrorList

# CreateFeedResponse

Response schema.

Name Description Schema
- CreateFeedResult
A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful. ErrorList

# FeedOptions

Additional options to control the feed. For feeds that use the feedOptions parameter, you can find the parameter values in the feed description in Feed Type Values (opens new window).

Type : < string, string > map

# CreateFeedSpecification

Name Description Schema
The feed type. string
A list of identifiers for marketplaces that you want the feed to be applied to. < string > array
The document identifier returned by the createFeedDocument operation. Encrypt and upload the feed document contents before calling the createFeed operation. string
Additional options to control the feed. For feeds that use the feedOptions parameter, you can find the parameter values in the feed description in feedType values (opens new window). FeedOptions

# CreateFeedDocumentSpecification

Name Description Schema
The content type of the feed. string

# CreateFeedDocumentResponse

The response for the createFeedDocument operation.

Name Description Schema
Information required to encrypt and upload a feed document's contents. CreateFeedDocumentResult
A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful. ErrorList

# CreateFeedDocumentResult

Information required to encrypt and upload a feed document's contents.

Name Description Schema
The identifier of the feed document. string
The presigned URL for uploading the feed contents. This URL expires after 5 minutes. string
Encryption details for required client-side encryption and decryption of document contents. FeedDocumentEncryptionDetails

# ProcessingStatuses

Type : enum

Value Description
CANCELLED The feed was cancelled before it started processing.
DONE The feed has completed processing. Examine the contents of the result document to determine if there were any errors during processing.
FATAL The feed was aborted due to a fatal error. Some, none or all of the operations within the feed may have completed successfully.
IN_PROGRESS The feed is being processed.
IN_QUEUE The feed has not yet started processing. It may be waiting for another IN_PROGRESS feed.

# Standard

The encryption standard required to encrypt or decrypt the document contents.

Type : enum

Value Description
AES The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

# ProcessingStatus

The processing status of the feed.

Type : enum

Value Description
CANCELLED The feed was cancelled before it started processing.
DONE The feed has completed processing. Examine the contents of the result document to determine if there were any errors during processing.
FATAL The feed was aborted due to a fatal error. Some, none, or all of the operations within the feed may have completed successfully.
IN_PROGRESS The feed is being processed.
IN_QUEUE The feed has not yet started processing. It may be waiting for another IN_PROGRESS feed.

# CompressionAlgorithm

If present, the feed document contents are compressed using the indicated algorithm.

Type : enum

Value Description
GZIP The gzip compression algorithm.